Monday, September 15, 2008

Granny Mel

Being an auntie has always been at the top of my favorite titles on my relationship resume. I was an auntie before I was a mom, and there is nothing I love more than being admired by my nieces and nephews, whether it's because they love my shoes or because I planned a cousins sleepover (like the Butterfield 1st Annual Auntie Mel Cousin Sleepover and Pancake Breakfast seen here this summer)
From Little Miss

Or because I thrive on chaos - like when it feels like they're all monkeys in the tree
From Little Miss

But I was a bit worried when Little Miss made her grand entrance to the world 5 years ago.
From Little Miss

Months before her birth I was so excited to be her auntie, because it was the first (and only) time my sister and I were pregnant together, and we were both having little girls to boot. But as it turned out, when Little Miss joined our family just two weeks after Ainslee left, I was so worried that I would fall short in my love for her. I was worried that her very existence would be a painful reminder of what had been stolen by death from my clenched fists. I feared my relationship with my sister would never be the same, that she would feel ridiculously misplaced guilt by having such a blessing (I hope she never did!) and that I would feel a knife in my heart by acknowledging her joy.

But as President Kennedy said, "we have nothing to fear, but fear itself". Though only motivated by sheer devotion to my sister, I called her the day Little Miss was born, knowing I would be hearing newborn little gurgles and cries in the background, and willing myself with all the grit and determination I could muster not to cry and make her sad on such a wonderful day. I knew as soon as I did that I still had auntie status.
From Little Miss

I had completely underestimated the power of love. A power greater than self-pity, than fear, and than despair. A power to celebrate the goodness of life smiling on someone else when life has dealt you a terrible blow. A power that did not come from me, but worked a miracle in my heart.

Little Miss has been nothing but a joy in my life, and though sometimes I get a little homesick for my own sweet girl, I am never sad in her presence. She is one of my most adoring fans, and I have to say, the feeling is mutual.
From Little Miss

So, when I heard her disappointment that her mom would be substituting for faraway grandmas on Grandparents Day at Kindergarten, I knew it should be me, I would have moved heaven and earth to be there. What I didn't know, was that the reason I was an acceptable substitute in her eyes was that, unlike her mother, I apparently "look old enough" to play the part (them are fightin words Little Miss!).

From Little Miss

With my pride swallowed, as hip an outfit as I could fish out of the closet, and as much anti-aging cream as I could pile on that day to prove my youth, I was there. And though I didn't need one, the look on her face was reward worthy of moving heaven and earth. And she was left with a lipstick kiss to remind her that "Auntie, or Granny, Mel loves you!"
From Little Miss


Beth said...

Mel, I could read your blog everyday. You Rock!

Nikki said...

so sweet Mel...I plan to be a "granny" too by the way.

Mel-o-drama said...

BTW - I have it on good authority that the outfit was hip enough for a kindergartener, her mom said it's all Little Miss talked about after the lunch: "she had the cutest outfit, pink shoes and the cutest pink sweater, I wish I could have one"

Now do you see why I eat her up?

Teri said...

Hey Mel -- It's Teri Tami's sister. I didn't find your blog until you commented on Tamis and put two and two together. I just wanted you to know that i have those same feelings everytime Tami and I get together. Why is my little girl here and her's isn't? Can she be around me with out being sad? I am afraid to tell her things that Kaci is doing because I don't want to make her sad. I cried when I read your blog post about Holly's daughter.

We see your mom and dad all the time. Wish you lived closer. I joked with your parents about planning another Hawaii trip with ALL of the kids and grandkids. It sure would be fun. Hope all is well.


Jan said...

Lovely sentiments. Do you ever NOT write something profound? Miss you!

claire said...

That is 'so cool' that you could be a granny for her- how exciting! Thanks for reminding us what a blessing our nieces and nephews are.

Adventurous Housewife said...

I'm leaving some tiny puddles after reading your post. I love the idea of being a Granny Mel. Kiss those kids for me.